Rochester Public Utilities | Blog

As days get hotter, remember these tips for staying cool and being efficient with your water and electricity

Originally Posted:  Monday, July 21, 2008

July 21, 2008
CONTACT: Tony Benson
Communications Coordinator

ROCHESTER, MN— As the summer days get hotter, RPU wants to remind customers that staying cool and comfortable can still include efficient use of water and electricity.

In an effort to reduce the peak demand greatly due to high air conditioning usage, RPU has energy saving tips to help customers reduce their energy usage and to help reduce strain on infrastructure during hot days this summer.

Electricity saving tips:
– Set your thermostat at 78º F or higher- Avoid using large appliances between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.
– Turn off all unnecessary electric equipment including computers, home electronics, and small appliances
– Minimize the use of unneeded lighting and use natural light instead- Businesses can turn off all unneeded processes, office equipment, and reduce lighting

Water usage is also higher during warm days, but by using water wisely we can better ensure that water will be available for all customers through hot summer days.

Wise water usage tips:

– Water your lawn only when it needs it. If it springs back up when you step on it, it does not need any water. If it stays flat, turn on the sprinkler.
– When you do water your lawn, deep soak it. Water long enough for the moisture to soak down to the roots. A light sprinkling tends to evaporate quickly and can encourage shallow root systems.
– If you have an established lawn, minimize watering. If you have new sod, continue to water, but do so in the early morning hours.
– Water during the cool parts of the day. Early morning waterings are generally better than dusk since they help prevent the growth of fungus.
– Position your sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden, not on paved areas or in your gutters. Also, try not to water when it’s windy.

For more information on electricity or water conservation, visit the RPU web site at